Preventative Veterinary Dentistry and What Pet Owners Should Know

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Most pet owners take their animals to the veterinarian on a routine basis. Some go twice a year, while others treat the visits like check-ups for children, meaning they only go once a year. During these visits, the pet owners tend to have vaccinations updated and new medicine issued for heartworm treatments and flea treatments. One of the areas the pet owners may overlook is preventative veterinary dentistry. Here are some of the preventative treatments you should consider and what to know about each one for your pets.

Bite Evaluation

Bite evaluations may not seem like they would show any issues, but they can be very telling of your pet's oral health. The first thing the dentist will check for is proper alignment. If your pet does not have proper bite alignment for their breed, it may be a sign of other issues such as dental crowding. A bite evaluation can also show if the pet's teeth have any noticeable damage. If there are signs of issues, your veterinary dentist can create a treatment plan with you to discuss options. 

Periodontal Exam

Periodontal exams deal with the gum health of your pets. The gum colouring is just part of the overall pet health. If there are receding gum lines or if an infection is noticed, it could be a sign of a more serious internal issue. In some cases, your pet may not be getting enough of the proper vitamins and minerals to maintain their gum health. In more serious cases, issues during the periodontal exam could be a sign of related blood or organ issues. 

Dental Cleaning

Dental cleanings, just like with humans, are vital for pet oral health. A dental cleaning is a veterinary dentistry service that is offered on a treatment plan basis. Though you will need to maintain proper cleaning at home, they will also need to have a professional cleaning done as well. This can be done two or more times a year based on the dentist's recommendations. Keep in mind, some of the previously mentioned services can also be done at the time of the dental cleaning. 

If your pet has not had any of these preventative veterinary dentistry services, contact your veterinarian. If they do not offer these services, ask for a veterinary dentistry referral. By having these routine services performed, you can ensure your pet's dental and oral health is taken care of and any issues are spotted quickly.
