Preventative Veterinary Dentistry and What Pet Owners Should Know

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Most pet owners take their animals to the veterinarian on a routine basis. Some go twice a year, while others treat the visits like check-ups for children, meaning they only go once a year. During these visits, the pet owners tend to have vaccinations updated and new medicine issued for heartworm treatments and flea treatments. One of the areas the pet owners may overlook is preventative veterinary dentistry. Here are some of the preventative treatments you should consider and what to know about each one for your pets.…

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Dog Vomiting: When Do You Need an Emergency Vet?

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If your dog has started to vomit, then it may just have eaten something that disagreed with it or it may have a minor bug. Sometimes, however, vomiting can be a sign of something more serious. If this is happening outside of your vet’s clinic hours, then you may not be sure whether your dog needs to go to a vet emergency clinic or not. What signs should you look out for?…

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Does Your Pregnant Mare Need a Tetanus Booster?

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You may make sure that your horses are up to date with their tetanus vaccinations; however, you may need to take extra steps to protect pregnant mares who are about to foal. For example, you may be told that your mare should have a tetanus booster towards the end of her pregnancy. Why is this a good idea? Why Give a Pregnant Mare a Booster Shot? If you give a mare a tetanus booster a few weeks before she gives birth, then the vaccine and its antibodies will still be in her body after she foals.…

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